Benefits of Olive Leaf Tea

Benefits of Olive Leaf Tea
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Olive leaf is a highly nutritious plant whose nutritional capabilities are still being studied by scientists. Despite that, the huge benefits of olive leaf already discovered are enough to get the beverage company to make tea from it. Olive leaf tea is nutrient-dense, containing a concentrated portion of the nutrients present in olive tea leaves. Studies have discovered that the daily intake of this tea from olive leaves has a positive impact on human health.

In this article, we will look at some of the health benefits of olive leaf tea, which include fighting cell damage. When we’re done, you will want to buy Dogecoin or use your cash to purchase olive leaf tea.

Diabetes Risks Reduced

Olive leaves contain antioxidants, which have been known to lower and stabilize the sugar levels in the blood. Studies conducted on the leaves conclude that this antioxidant effect of olive leaves can help treat people with diabetes. Aside from that, it can also prevent those with or without risks of diabetes from developing it. Furthermore, these studies found that olive leaf tea can reduce the body’s insulin resistance, a major risk factor for diabetes.

Maintaining Weight

Those with problems with obesity and unwanted weight gain can find solace in the fact that olive leaf tea helps. While there’s still a need for more research, studies already conducted concluded that the oleuropein in the extract prevents weight gain.

The tests conducted on the tea show that oleuropein lowered body fat and weight gain in animals fed high-fat diets. Oleuropein also reduces cravings, which helps manage appetite and overeating, thereby preventing unwanted weight gain and reducing the risk of obesity.

Great for Heart Health

Research was conducted on olive leaf extract using rats, pointing to its effectiveness in restoring a normal heartbeat in arrhythmic subjects. While more research with human subjects is needed, this points to the cardiovascular olive leaf tea benefits.

Moreover, studies have shown that the leaf extract helps prevent LDL cholesterol buildup in the arteries, which is bad for the heart. As such, olive leaf tea helps to reduce the risk of heart disease by increasing blood flow and lowering blood pressure.

Battling Inflammation

The oleuropein in olive leaf extracts have also been found to battle inflammation thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties. Studies were conducted on mice first, and then humans, to discover the potential positive effects of the extracts on man.

This benefit discovered is a pretty major one, particularly considering that inflammation is responsible for many mental and physical issues.

Prevention of Cancer

The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of olive oil tea play a role in preventing a wide range of cancers. Researchers and medical practitioners conducted studies on animals, testing these properties, and found that they prevent breast, prostate, skin, and bladder cancer.

Nevertheless, as always, there is still a need for more research to determine how and to what extent the extracts can prevent cancer.

Prevention of Brain Problems

Organic olive leaf tea extracts contain a condensed quantity of all the nutrients of the leaf itself, which is why they’re beneficial. One of those nutrients is oleuropein; studies conducted on animals showed that this nutrient’s anti-inflammatory properties help prevent cognitive decline. Oleuropein is useful in promoting a process responsible for battling the potential causes and symptoms of cognitive decline.

Energy Boost

One of the major compounds found in olive leaf extract is oleanolic acid, a very powerful compound that benefits human health. The acid interacts with bile acids, which ultimately increases energy by increasing the metabolism and boosting the thyroid. Bile acids have long been known as essential elements in dietary cholesterol catabolism and lipid absorption.

Immune Booster

Olive leaf tea has strong antiviral properties which make it effective against influenza viruses, rotavirus, herpes, and all respiratory syncytial viruses. Its antibacterial properties make it a powerful force against a number of bacteria, including E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus, and Helicobacter pylori, among others.

Furthermore, olive leaf tea and extracts can kill fungi, yeast, and mold, especially those that prey on the gastrointestinal and respiratory tracts.

Conclusion: Using Olive Leaf Tea

Olive leaf extracts, including teas and oils, are natural supplements high in antioxidants that support the immune system when taken correctly. However, experts recommend that those learning how to make olive leaf tea should use the correct dose. As beneficial as olive leaf tea is, it may cause more harm than good when used in excessive doses. The tea has serious side effects, which is why experts recommend only using them on doctors’ recommendation.

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Mary L

When you discover something you love you want to share it with the world, that’s only natural. My passion had become my way of life, and I am finally able to share a cup of the good stuff with the ones I love. Proof that dreams really do come true when you can share your favorite brew.

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