5 Best Times to Drink Green Tea

Best Times to Drink Green Tea
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When exactly is the best time to drink green tea? As the British say “tea time”, you may think that the best time to drink green tea is afternoon. But that may not be the best time to drink green tea.

In fact, there are many different opinions on the best times to drink green tea, which may be confusing for you. In this article, we will discuss the five best times to drink green tea and provide some scientific evidence for each. So let’s get started!

The 5 Best Times to Drink Green Tea

After Exercise

Many of you may not know that after exercise is one of the best times to drink green tea. There are at least three good reasons why drinking green tea after exercise is a smart choice. For one, your body needs to restore itself after exercising and drinking green tea can help to accelerate this process. Secondly, drinking green tea will help you get rid of extra stress from your body. Thirdly, the antioxidants in green tea will help to improve your skin condition. So that is why most people prefer drinking green tea after exercising when they have plenty of time for relaxing and resting their mind while drinking the tea.



In addition, it is a good idea to drink green tea after exercising if you plan to have a heavy meal. Why? Drinking green tea after exercise can help to digest the heavy food and prevent from having indigestion or stomach ache.

For example, you can drink green tea after morning exercise and then have a heavy meal in the afternoon. You will feel full but not bloated and you can save yourself from indigestion or stomach ache as this will help you digest the heavy meal.

Before Bedtime

Although drinking green tea at night may seem counterintuitive because green tea contains caffeine, it is actually one of the best times to drink green tea. This is because green tea contains a lot of L-theanine, which will help you calm down and sleep better at night.

However, if you are drinking green tea right before going to bed, it is important to drink it in moderation or have a light dinner. Otherwise, your body will not be able to digest the food well and make you feel bloated or even indigestion or stomach ache. And if you drink too much of it, it can also make your heart rate become fast, which will make it difficult for you to sleep well at night.



Some people may be sensitive to caffeine in green tea and feel jittery if they drink green tea before bed. In this case, you should consider drinking oolong tea or yerba mate tea at night, instead of green tea.

Before Workout

Drinking green tea at work is a good choice to improve your energy level and burn fat after working out. Drinking green tea before working out can help to enhance your physical performance and increase the intensity in your exercise routine, which is why many professional sports players choose to drink green tea before workout.

In addition, drinking green tea before a workout will help you stay focused during the workout session while relaxing your mind by slowing down the rate of breathing. So that is why many people prefer drinking green tea before workout or practice.

For example, if you like to go jogging in the morning, it is a good idea to drink green tea before going out because you will not have enough time to drink a cup of green tea afterwards. So if drinking green tea before workout works well for you, you can drink the same kind of green tea during your workout sessions to relax your mind and body.



Before Eating Breakfast

Many people believe that drinking green tea before breakfast is a good idea to help digestion better. This is because green tea contains a lot of antioxidants, which can help to eliminate the toxins in your body and balance your blood glucose. Drinking green tea before breakfast will also help you stay full longer and lose weight faster.

In addition, drinking green tea before breakfast will help to boost your metabolism and help you burn fat. Drinking green tea before breakfast will also help to improve your energy level as well as your mood.

For example, if you are a busy person who has no time to drink green tea in the morning, it is a good idea to keep a bottle of green tea in the fridge so that you can drink the tea right after waking up. This is convenient and an excellent way to start your day off with a cup of green tea.

On an Empty Stomach

Drinking green tea on an empty stomach can be very beneficial, especially for people who suffer from digestive problems and constipation. The reason is that drinking green tea on an empty stomach can help you increase your metabolism, which is why it is a good idea to drink green tea on an empty stomach.



Additionally, drinking green tea on an empty stomach can help you stimulate your digestive system. So if you have digestive problems or constipation, drink a cup of green tea right after waking and you will be surprised at how much better your digestion will be.

However, drinking green tea on an empty stomach may not be suitable for people with stomach ache or acid reflux disease (GERD). If you are one of them, it would be better to drink the green tea after eating breakfast (when your stomach has started digesting food), or even after lunchtime. This way, the stomach acids won’t come into contact with the green tea too much, which will help to reduce the negative side effects.



These are five of the best times to drink green tea, but there are actually many other great times when you can drink green tea as well. For example, you can drink green tea in the afternoon after eating a heavy breakfast or eat a lighter breakfast and drink green tea in the morning instead. Or you may want to drink green tea in the evening after a heavy dinner. It all depends on your personal preference and schedule!

Now that we have discussed five of the best times to drink green tea, you may want to try some of these great times out and see how it works for you!

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Mary L

When you discover something you love you want to share it with the world, that’s only natural. My passion had become my way of life, and I am finally able to share a cup of the good stuff with the ones I love. Proof that dreams really do come true when you can share your favorite brew.

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