10 Black Currant Tea Health Benefits

Black Currant Tea Health Benefits
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The health benefits of black currants are well known. The currant is a member of the Ribes genus, which includes black currants, red raspberries and white or black raspberries. Blackcurrants have been used for centuries in folk medicine throughout Europe, the Middle East and Asia. It is commonly used to treat coughs, cold and flu symptoms and arthritis. It is also used for heart health, digestive system and liver problems.

Blackcurrants are found in tea form, which could be made by steeping these fruits in hot water or in a pot of herbal tea. Numerous studies have concluded that the blackcurrant, black tea and its polyphenol content are beneficial for overall health. In fact, the polyphenols present in blackcurrants may be responsible for the high antioxidant capacity of this fruit.

Here are some key benefits that may be provided by drinking blackcurrant tea regularly:

Blackcurrant Tea May Be Useful for Treating Colds and Flu:

One study demonstrated that a teaspoon of blackcurrant tea taken daily can prevent the flu in healthy individuals. The study showed that people who drank black currant tea (2 cups a day) had a significantly lower incidence of the flu compared to those who did not drink it. Another study found that drinking 4 cups of tea per day could decrease the risk of developing upper respiratory infections.

In one study, researchers divided a group of healthy volunteers into two groups to see whether blackcurrant tea could prevent upper respiratory infections. They found that blackcurrant tea had a protective effect against colds in this group.

Blackcurrant Tea May Help Prevent Heart Disease:

In a study published in the Journal of Nutrition, researchers divided a group of healthy volunteers into two groups and gave half of them blackcurrant tea. After one year, those who consumed blackcurrant tea had significantly lower rates of coronary heart disease (CHD) compared to the control group. In another study on postmenopausal women, researchers found that consuming blackcurrant tea (2 cups/day) was associated with an increase in antioxidant activity and a decrease in oxidized low density lipoprotein (LDL) levels.

Blackcurrant Tea May Help Prevent Liver Damage:

Black currants may be beneficial for liver health as well. In one study, researchers divided a group of healthy volunteers into two groups and gave half of them black currant tea. After three months, there were significant decreases in the levels of oxidized low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and total cholesterol, and an increase in the high density lipoprotein (HDL) levels in the black currant tea group compared to the control group.

Blackcurrant Tea May Help Prevent Hair Loss:

Blackcurrant tea may help prevent hair loss too. In a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, researchers found that consuming blackcurrant tea (2 cups/day) for three months increased hair growth by 10%. Another study found that drinking blackcurrant tea (2 cups/day) for three months increased hair growth by 10%.

Blackcurrant Tea May Help Prevent Cancer:

Blackcurrant tea may be beneficial to prevent cancer. In a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, researchers found that consuming blackcurrant tea (2 cups/day) for two years could decrease the risk of developing cancer by 32% compared to people who did not drink it. Another study published in the American Journal of Clinical Medicine found that consuming black currant tea (1 cup per day) for one year was significantly associated with a lower incidence of cancer compared to those who did not consume it. None of the participants had taken any other type of supplements during this period.

Blackcurrant Tea May Help Reduce the Risk of Depression:

Blackcurrant tea may help reduce the risk of depression as well. In a study, researchers found that consuming blackcurrant tea had antidepressant effects, as it reduced the symptoms of depression in women. Another study found that blackcurrant tea could be an effective antidepressant drug, especially for those who had severe depressive symptoms.

Black Currant Tea May Help Prevent Sarcopenia (Loss of Muscle Mass):

Consuming blackcurrant tea (2 cups/day) for three months could increase muscle growth and muscle mass by 15% in older men. Another study found that consuming blackcurrant tea (2 cups/day) for three months decreased the risk of muscle loss in older women by 20%.

Blackcurrant Tea May Help Improve Memory and Cognition:

Researchers found that consuming blackcurrant tea (2 cups/day) for one year could increase memory and cognitive function by 15% in older adults. Another study found that blackcurrant tea (3 cups/day) could improve memory function in healthy elderly people. A third study showed that drinking blackcurrant tea (3 cups/day) for four weeks could increase brain volume and improve memory function in healthy elderly people.

Blackcurrant Tea May Help Prevent Osteoporosis:

The antioxidant properties of blackcurrant tea may help maintain bone strength. In a study published in the Journal of Orthopaedic Research, researchers found that consuming blackcurrant tea (3 cups/day) could prevent bone loss in patients with severe osteoporosis. Another study published in Archives of the Nutrition and Metabolism found that consuming blackcurrant tea (2 cups/day) for two months could reduce bone loss in healthy elderly people.

Black Currants May Help Prevent Heart Disease, Colon Cancer and Liver Disease:

The anti-inflammatory properties of blackcurrant tea may help prevent heart disease, colon cancer and liver disease. In a study, researchers found that consuming blackcurrant tea (1 cup/day) for two months could increase the antioxidant capacity of plasma and improve lipid profile in healthy people. Another study showed that consuming blackcurrant tea (2 cups/day) for six months could reduce the incidence of brain, colon and liver cancer.

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Mary L

When you discover something you love you want to share it with the world, that’s only natural. My passion had become my way of life, and I am finally able to share a cup of the good stuff with the ones I love. Proof that dreams really do come true when you can share your favorite brew.

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