Cardamom Tea Recipes

Cardamom Tea Recipes
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Cardamom is the spice that is commonly used in many Indian dishes. It has a strong flavor, so it is often used as a garnish, but can also be used in cooking. There are several different types of cardamom, and each one has its own unique flavor. Mature seeds are the best for use in cooking, as they are more potent than the green pods. They have a strong aroma and are often used to flavor cakes and cookies. It is often used in Indian desserts and is also used as a flavoring in many other recipes.

Cardamom is used to flavor vegetable and meat dishes in Indian cuisine. It can be ground into powder and added to curries, teas, vegetables, and dals (lentils). Powdered cardamom seeds are used to add flavor to breads, cakes, muffins, cookies, beverages, ice cream and especially tea. They are also used to make pastries like anjalis (Indian sweets). The seeds are the preferred choice for cooking and grinding because they are more potent than the pods. Cardamom tea can be prepared by adding the powdered seeds into hot water.

Origins of Cardamom Tea:

Cardamom has a long history of use in Indian cuisine. It is used in many different dishes like as a spice, in tea and for baking. The seeds are the most commonly used form of cardamom, but they are also made into a paste that can be used as a topping for cakes and cookies.

The origin of cardamom tea is not known, but it was probably discovered by an Indian cook or a traveler from India who brought the seeds back home and started using them to flavor tea.

There are many ways to use cardamom, but the most popular way is to add it to tea. Cardamom tea is prepared by adding ground cardamom seeds into hot water. The amount of crushed seeds can vary between 5 and 15 grams per pot. It is important to use the whole pod because it has the best flavor, but usually only one pod will be needed for a pot of tea.

The seeds are then steeped in hot water for 10-15 minutes, and then the mixture is strained over a fine mesh strainer and the loose seeds are discarded. Sometimes cardamom pods are left in the tea as a garnish, but they add no flavor and just give an extra visual appeal. A popular way to prepare cardamom tea is to add the whole pod and then garnish the tea with it.

Cardamom Tea:

Cardamom tea can be prepared in many different ways, depending on the type of tea you prefer. It can be made in either a pot or an electric teapot. In a pot, the water is heated and then poured into the teapot. The teapot is then placed over boiling water so that it does not touch the bottom of the pot. The lid should be tightly sealed so that no steam escapes from it while steeping. After 30 minutes, the tea should be ready to drink. A good way to do this is to put one teaspoon of cardamom seeds in 500 ml (17 fl oz) of hot water and let steep for 30 minutes. It is best to use a stainless steel or glass teapot for this tea. Alternatively, you can make the tea in an electric teapot by following the instructions provided on the packaging.

Cardamom seeds are most commonly used in Indian dishes, but they are also used as a spice in many other dishes. Most of these dishes are cooked with tea or coffee, so the flavor of cardamom is usually very prominent. It is not uncommon to see cardamom sprinkled on top of most foods in India, and it is sometimes even sold as a spice. This means that when preparing cardamom tea, you should use enough crushed seeds to impart their flavor into the water without overwhelming it.

You can also add the whole pod to the water for added visual appeal or as a garnish. It is important to use the whole pod because the seeds inside are more potent than the pods, and they add more flavor to the tea.

The amount of cardamom that can be added to a pot of tea depends on your taste and how much you like cardamom in your foods. Generally speaking, a little less would be better if you want a subtle flavor, while more would be better if you want something stronger.

Usually 2 grams of crushed seeds is used per cup, but it can vary depending on how strong you want the tea to taste. Usually 5 grams of ground seeds is used for one cup of tea, but it can vary depending on how strong you want it to be. This means that you should start off with less than 5 grams of seeds, and add more if you find that the tea is not strong enough.

The amount of time that the cardamom tea is stired should also vary depending on how strong you want it to be. Generally speaking 2-3 minutes is long enough for most teas, and anything longer is usually only done for ceremonial occasions.

Cardamom Tea Ingredients:

Cardamom tea recipe can be prepared using either cardamom seeds or green pods. Both of these options are available from your local supermarket. The seeds and pods can be purchased separately or mixed together to create a paste. This is also known as “chai” and is often used in Indian cooking to add flavor to curries and other savory dishes. You will need 1 teaspoon of either cardamom seeds or green pods for 500 ml (17 fl oz) of boiling water. Cardamom tea recipe is usually served with milk and sugar.

Cardamom Tea Recipe:

Cardamom Tea Recipe:


2 teaspoons of cardamom seeds or green pods (or a combination of both)

500 ml (17 fl oz) of boiling water


Step 1: Place the cardamom seeds or green pods in a teapot and pour the boiling water over it.

Step 2: Steep the tea for 30 minutes. For a stronger flavor, you can steep for longer. Drink as soon as the tea is ready to save it from spoiling.

Step 3: Add the tea to your favorite beverage.

Cardamom Tea with Milk:


2 teaspoons of cardamom seeds or green pods (or a combination of both)

500 ml (17 fl oz) of boiling water

Milk, sugar and spices to taste (optional)


Step 1: Place the cardamom seeds or green pods in a teapot and pour the boiling water over it.

Step 2: After 30 minutes, remove the teapot from the heat and add in the milk, sugar and spices to taste.

Step 3: Serve.

Cardamom Tea with Ginger:


2 teaspoons of cardamom seeds or green pods (or a combination of both)

500 ml (17 fl oz) of boiling water

Ginger, cloves, cinnamon and other spices to taste (optional)


Step 1: Place the cardamom seeds or green pods in a teapot and pour the boiling water over it.

Step 2: After 30 minutes, remove the teapot from the heat and add in the ginger, cloves, cinnamon and other spices to taste. Serve

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Mary L

When you discover something you love you want to share it with the world, that’s only natural. My passion had become my way of life, and I am finally able to share a cup of the good stuff with the ones I love. Proof that dreams really do come true when you can share your favorite brew.

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