HIGH vs LOW Quality Matcha – Spot The Difference

high vs low quality matcha – spot the difference
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Matcha tea has become extremely popular at present mainly because of the natural benefits it provides. Although lots of folks drink it on a daily basis, not many are able to discriminate between high quality and low quality Matcha at present. You will come across lots of brands marketing this type of tea on the market, and while some of them are good the others are usually bad. If you happen to be a first-time buyer, you will find it tough to discriminate between these two. However, it is not very difficult to differentiate between good quality Matcha and the bad one, and in the subsequent paragraphs, we have mentioned some essential tips to get the job done easily.

1. Location

Make it a point to verify at what location the Matcha is cultivated. Green tea is hypersensitive to the soil where it is grown, and consequently, it will differ in taste according to the site where it is being harvested. It will be a sensible idea to go for Matcha which is produced in Japan and refrain from using those which are grown in China. 

Firstly, Matcha which is grown in China consists of a higher concentration of lead because of soil composition. As a matter of fact, your system can suffer from unhealthy quantities of lead by consuming Matcha which is grown in China. Secondly, Matcha in Japan is taken very seriously. There is one obvious reason why poor-quality Matcha is quite inexpensive – it is quite simple to grow and one does not need to produce a significant amount of time as well as effort for doing that. Japan is known to give lots of endeavors while growing fresh green Matcha which leads to a scrumptious and antioxidant beverage rich in L-theanine. This procedure is undoubtedly quite delicate and it involves the selection of tea leaves by hand which helps to enhance its quality in the long run. In fact, the result is just incredible!

One more thing must be taken into consideration here which is that the location happens to be Japan. Japan is known for its diverse climate because of its unique location on the map, and consequently, the climate will vary as per the location. Individuals tend to have a preference for Uji-grown Matcha due to the fact that it provides the consumer with a maximum amount of umami-kick. Apart from this, the fields where Matcha is cultivated are very attractive.

Consequently, it is very important to verify where the Matcha that you are going to purchase has actually harvested from; it will be a smart idea to go for those which are grown in Japan.

Related Article: How To Make The Perfect Frothy Matcha Tea

2. Aroma

There is hardly any doubt about the fact that the positive aspect regarding high-quality Matcha happens to be its smell. Once you hold the can of Matcha close to your nose, you will get the sweet-smelling aroma. In fact, it is shockingly sweet. Although it comes with an earthy undertone, it usually features a virtually floral sweet smell. However, you will not get this aroma in case of low-quality Matcha, and the smell is rather exceedingly grassy.

3. Color

The third vital difference between high quality Matcha and low quality Matcha is that the high quality one comes with a vibrant green hue along with a touch of yellow and cyan. It is difficult to describe in words; however, the user will understand it once he sees it in person.

In case you observe the high quality Matcha closely, you will find that it comes with a combo of green, blue, and yellow which signifies that the Matcha is high in the content of chlorophyll that has resulted from excessive shading prior to harvesting. Chlorophyll has the power to safeguard your epidermis from the scorching sun and it will help to detoxify your body as well. In short, make it a point to go for Matcha featuring rich-green color instead of a muddy-green one.

Related Article: Does Matcha Go Bad? Signs That Your Matcha Has Overstayed

4. Texture

Next, we are going to mention texture. Always make sure to verify whether the Matcha has been comprehensively ground and whether the stems have been properly removed. In fact, it should be quite soft just like flour without virtually any clump. It will signify that the Matcha has been de-stemmed properly before being ground. Matcha, which is soft in texture, will ensure that a thick creamy foam will be generated when it is blended or whisked.

Related Article: Good Matcha is all in the Whisk!

5. Flavor

One more noticeable difference between high quality Matcha and low quality Matcha happens to be the taste. It is the fact that Matcha is somewhat bitter in taste similar to that of dark chocolate or blackberries, and yet, the flavor usually comes with earthy, Amami, as well as umami undertones. This favor is going to vary according to its preparation – while ice will help to bring forth the floral-sweetness of the tea, heat will be responsible for bringing out its earthy-richness. In general, the consumer should enjoy sipping on Matcha without any grassy or muddy taste whatsoever.

6. Price

Although the price of high quality Matcha will vary, in general, a 30 g container will range from somewhere between $25 and $32. On the other hand, the low quality version is somewhat inexpensive and you should come across 100 g for only $15 or so. However, low quality Matcha will leave a sour taste in your mouth that you will be able to avoid by consuming the high variety one. The old saying: you get what you pay for, is applicable in this case.

7. Blended color

Lastly, we will mention the fact that although the hue of blended Matcha isn’t the same as that of powdered Matcha, it is important to ensure that it is, nevertheless, vibrant green. Try to go for vibrant as well as rich green Matcha instead of a yellow-green and light -colored one.


Let us hope that these above-mentioned facts will help answer your query: what is the difference between high quality and low polity Matcha. However, there are several more points for differentiation between these two which we have not mentioned in this article. Feel free to go online and enrich your knowledge on this particular topic.

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Mary L

When you discover something you love you want to share it with the world, that’s only natural. My passion had become my way of life, and I am finally able to share a cup of the good stuff with the ones I love. Proof that dreams really do come true when you can share your favorite brew.

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