Are you a big tea person? Do you have a ton of tea bags? Maybe you’ve gone through a few different bags and are looking for a new way to dispose of them. If so, you’re in luck!
In this article, we’re going to tell you some of the different ways you can use a tea bag after you’ve used them for brewing your tea.
Why Shouldn’t You Throw Away Used Tea Bags?
There are a lot of good reasons not to throw away used tea bags. Here are just a few:
Recycling Tea Bags Can Help Reduce Pollution
Tea bags are made from paper, which is derived from trees. This is a renewable resource, so you’re doing your part to help preserve the environment.
Recycling Tea Bags Can Help Keep More Trees Standing
When you throw away tea bags, you’re sending a lot of trees to the landfills. These trees could be used to help with environmental issues like deforestation and pollution. When these trees are not harvested for wood products, they can be used for fuel and other things that are good for the environment.
This is why you should always recycle your tea bags when they’ve reached their lifespan and become too old to use.
Recycling Tea Bags Can Help The Economy Stay Stronger
When tea bags get thrown away, they go straight into the landfill where they will eventually decompose and create methane gas (which can cause global warming).
However, when tea bags are recycled, they can be made into a wide variety of products such as floor cleaners or room scenters! That means that people who make these products will have more money in their pockets. This will make them more likely to spend money, which will help the economy stay strong.
Ideas for What to Do with Used Tea Bags
Here are some ideas for what you can do with used tea bags:
Refresh your wooden floors and furniture
If you’re looking for a new look for your home, tea bags can be used to refresh wooden floors and furniture. Simply cover the floor or furniture with tea bags and let them sit for a few days. Once the tea has dried, you can remove the tea bags and your home will look brand new!
Clean your stove top
Take used tea bags and place them on your stove top. Let them sit for several hours to a day. Once they’ve dried, you can clean your stove top without worrying about spills! This is especially useful if you have a glass stove top!
Clean windows
Tea bags are great at cleaning windows. Place several layers of used tea bags on the window to be cleaned and let them sit overnight or until they’ve dried completely. Then remove the old cloth from the window and wash it with soap and water as usual!
This is especially helpful in bathrooms where moisture may have caused mold to grow over time! It’s also great for windows that aren’t meant to be washed regularly as well as mirrors!
Keep pests away
If you’re having trouble with pests in your home, such as roaches or ants, try using tea bags to keep them away. Place several layers of used tea bags filled with peppermint oil on top of any areas that you have trouble with and leave them overnight.
In the morning, remove the tea bags and vacuum them up! This will make sure that pests won’t be able to come back in the future!
If you’re looking for a new way to fertilize your garden, try using tea bags! Simply take several layers of used tea bags and sprinkle them with a small amount of fertilizer. This will make sure that your plants will have everything they need to grow and thrive!
Freshen your house
Are you looking for a new way to freshen up your home? Then try using tea bags! Simply place several layers of used tea bags in your vents and turn on the fan for several hours. This will remove any odors that may be present in the vents!
Deodorize clothes
Have you ever had a problem with stinky clothes? Well, there’s an easy solution! Simply place used tea bags on the bottom of your laundry bag or container filled with clean clothes. You can even place the used tea bags inside the bag as well if you want them to stick better!
Let the clothes sit overnight and then wash them as usual. If you want to keep the odors away, leave the bag or container open in your closet so that any odors can be released over time! This is especially helpful if you have an air conditioning unit in your home because it can make it harder for bacteria to grow!
Remove stains
Are you looking for a new way to remove stains from your clothing? Then try using tea bags! Simply place several layers of used tea bags on the stain and let them sit overnight. In the morning, remove the tea bags and wash the clothing as usual.
You can also place several layers of used tea bags in a clean plastic bag or container and seal it. Let this sit overnight as well and then remove it from your clothing in the morning!
Clean metal surfaces
If you have any metal surfaces in your home, such as sinks, stoves, or even windows, you can use tea bags to clean them! Simply take several layers of used tea bags and sprinkle them with baking soda or cornstarch. Let these sit for a few hours overnight and then remove them from your metal surfaces!
This will make sure that there are no leftover spots that may cause rusting or spotting on your metal surfaces! You can also use this method to clean silverware, copper cookware, copper pots and pans, glass jars and bottles, mirrors, window sills, countertops, sinks and drains. Basically, anything that has some sort of metal on it!